

2023 Synthetic Biology Industry Carnival


Synthetic biology is the "third biotechnology revolution" that leads the world, following the two biotech revolutions of the "DNA double helix discovery" and the "Human Genome Project". The discovery of DNA double helix and the Human Genome Project have enabled humans to move from cognitive life to interpretive life. Synthetic biology, as a disruptive technology in the field of life sciences in the 21st century, has propelled humanity's leap from interpreting life to writing and creating life.
Meanwhile, the industrialization of synthetic biology has arrived. The industrial application has achieved breakthroughs from scratch, from scarcity to abundance, and from expensive to affordable, leading to the emergence of new markets such as health food, medical beauty, and other new applications. On the other hand, with advantages such as low cost, high quality, and green environmental protection, it replaces traditional high energy consumption and high pollution processes, and innovates the original industrial pattern.
The 2023 Synthetic Biology Carnival (SBC2023 for short), co sponsored by the "Science and Technology Innovation China" Biomedical Industry Science and Technology Service Group, the Chinese Society of Microbiology, Shandong University, the State Key Laboratory of Microbiology Technology of Shandong University, Biological Jingwei and BioValley, will be held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province from April 21 to 22. This industrial carnival will focus on the application of cutting-edge synthetic biotechnology, Focus on the rise of new forces, pay attention to industry policy guidance and future development trends, and jointly promote the comprehensive development of synthetic biology technology in various fields in China.
Conference Information
Conference Theme | Synthetic New Trends · Synthetic Future
Meeting Time | April 21-22, 2023
Meeting Place | Langsheng Hilton Hotel Nanjing, Jiangsu
Conference scale | 800 people
Guiding Unit | Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Management Committee
Sponsors | "Science and Technology Innovation China" Biomedical Industry Science and Technology Service Group, Chinese Society of Microbiology, Shandong University, Shandong University's State Key Laboratory of Microbiological Technology, Biological Jingwei, BioValley
Supporters | National Research Center for Biochemical Engineering Technology of East China University of Technology (Shanghai), Beijing High Precision Center for Soft Matter Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Synthetic Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Society of Microbiology, Shanghai Society of Biotechnology, East China University of Technology, Chinese Biomedical Association (CBA), Nanjing Society of Biotechnology, Medical Synthetic Biology Research Center of East China Normal University



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