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Polycarbonateis a high molecular polymer that contains carbonate groups



Polycarbonate (abbreviated as PC) is a polymer that contains carbonate groups in its molecular chain. It can be classified into various types based on the structure of the ester groups, including aliphatic, aromatic, and aliphatic-aromatic polycarbonates. Among them, aliphatic and aliphatic-aromatic polycarbonates have lower mechanical properties, which limits their application in engineering plastics.

Aliphatic polycarbonate, such as poly(ethylene carbonate), poly(trimethylene carbonate), and their copolymers, have low melting points and glass transition temperatures, and poor strength, making them unsuitable as structural materials. However, due to their biocompatibility and biodegradable properties, they can be applied in drug slow-release carriers, surgical sutures, bone support materials, and other areas.



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PC/ABS alloy 1

PC/ABS alloy can integrate the excellent properties of both.


ABS plastic is also an ideal substitute for wood and building materials.


Polycarbonate is also known as


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PC/PBT alloy

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PC/ABS alloy

PC/ABS alloy can integrate the excellent properties of both.


Polycarbonateis a high molecular polymer that contains carbonate groups


ABS material is a graft copolymer of three monomers: acrylonitrile

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